Skew Robust Detection of Human Object Interactions in videos

Poorvi Hebbar, Rachit Bansal, Rishabh Dabral, Ganesh Ramakrishnan
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, CodeTantra

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Humans are, arguably, one of the most important regions of interest in a visual analysis pipeline. Detecting how the human interacts with the surrounding environment, thus, becomes an important problem and has several potential use-cases. While this has been adequately addressed in the literature in the image setting, there exist very few methods addressing the case for in-the-wild videos. The problem is further exacerbated by the high degree of label skew. To this end, we propose SERVO-HOI (SkEw Robust VideO), a robust end-to-end framework for recognizing human-object interactions from a video, particularly in high label-skew settings. The network contextualizes multiple image representations and is trained to explicitly handle dataset skew. We propose and analyse methods to address the long-tail distribution of the labels and show improvements on the tail-labels. SERVO-HOI outperforms the state-of-the-art by a significant margin (21.2% vs 17.6% mAP) on the large-scale, in-the-wild VidHOI dataset while particularly demonstrating solid improvements in the tail-classes (20.9% vs 17.3% mAP).

In summary, we introduce a novel, state-of-the-art method to estimate in-the-wild human-object interactions in videos by exploiting spatial and postural cues and incorporating multi-label attributes while also addressing the high degree of dataset skew. A collection of our results on the VidHOI dataset is shown below. We estimate the interaction predicates between the human in green box and the object in the blue, thereby producing a < human, predicate, object > triplet. E.g. in the first image, < boy, holds, toy >

The vidHOI dataset is a challenging, in-the-wild, and well-annotated dataset and is is further made difficult, inherently, by the multi-label nature of the annotations. This is fairly realistic; a human and an object may interact in more than one ways at the same time. The dataset also suffers from a high degree of class-imbalance and long-tailed nature as shown:


With the aforementioned constraints and in mind, we propose SERVO-HOI – a novel and robust method for inferring human-object interactions in videos.
1) We propose an end-to-end pipeline that infers multiple human-object interactions in the video (c.f. Section 3.1). Our pipeline takes into account human pose cues as well as factors in the positional priors. We avoid over-committing to heavily occluded and truncated poses by using a softer representation of heatmaps
2) We address nuances in the multi-label and long-tailed nature of the dataset by formulating a class-weighted training objective with propensity-weighted cross entropy loss/ focal loss for determining the weights. We also factor-in the muti-label nature of the problem using a simple yet effective threshold tuning mechanism.
3) We identify and discuss issues with the existing evaluation protocol and propose a solution that is consistent with the existing evaluation setups.


Given a video stream I = {I1, I2,..., IT} of T frames, the goal is to output all the < human, predicate, object > triplets in the video. For this, the proposed network regresses human scores sh and object category scores so for all the humans and objects in the scene and computes predicate scores sho for each proposed human-object pair. Note, that there can also be human-human pairs; in which case, one human is considered to be a major and the other to be a minor subject. The final triplet score shoi can then be computed as shoi = sh * so * sho. The actual steps can be divided into 4 steps: 1) Incorporating postural cues, 2) Incorporating spatial cues, 3) Loss Functions & Sensitization to Label Skew, and 4) Optimizing for performance measures

Ablation studies

We now analyse the design choices primarily through two lenses: loss methods and network designs.

1) Loss methods: All the variants improve performance on rare classes compared to the baseline models. Weight-tuned CE, while performing better, has been extensively tuned for multiple values. Propensity weighing requires minimal tuning and is actually a more efficient choice in this regard. We also note that while ST-HOI and unweighted Cross-Entropy trained models lead to degenerated confusion across the two most abundant classes, using weight-tuned Cross-Entropy and Focal Loss noticeably disperses the confusion and produces stronger diagonals.

Figure: Comparison of loss methods wrt mAP (mean Average Precision) (eta is a threshold for 1-vs-rest classifier)

Figure: Confusion Matrix plots of multiple training variants.

2) Network Design: We experiment with several architectural design choices. We attempted learning temporal relationships with an RNN-like sequence model as an alternative. We also experimented with graph convolutions to model the inter-object relationships in the spatial context. However, we found the SERVO-HOI to be the most optimal in terms of performance and simplicity. We confirm that adding union features help but also observe that addition of human pose features does not improve performance.

Figure: Different possible network designs

Figure: Ablation analysis of the multiple design choices for the network.

Conclusion and Future Work

We achieve state-of-the-art results by carefully crafting a network that accounts for the spatial and postural cues of the human body. Our pipeline improves the state-of-the-art by a significant margin on multiple protocols. We achieve a mean Average Precision (mAP) score of 21.2% compared to 17.6% on the challenging VidHOI dataset. Note, that this is a 20% improvement and a significant improvement on VidHOI tasks. On another evaluation mode (detection), we improved the mAP by 50%, achieving 4.8% compared to 3.2% of the best method.

In addition to this, we address the problem of dataset-skew and demonstrate improved performance on rare classes. Finally, we discuss issues with the existing evaluation protocols and propose solutions to avoid them. In future, we intend to fur- ther work on the long-tail label distribution problem in the context of HOI as also propose a pipeline for holistic HOI detection and recognition.

Send feedback and questions to Poorvi Hebbar. The website template is borrowed from SIREN.
